Top 10k strings from Automonopoli (1983)(Automata UK)[a].tzx
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6 ;"COLLECT"; 3 X$(SN+Y)="S" 3 V(R)=V(R)-50 3 V(R)=V(R)+100 3 S)=" ": 3 MOVE=MOVE+40 2 V(R)=V(R)-100 2 V(R)=V(R)+50 2 V(R)=V(R)+200 2 V(R)=V(R)+10 2 TPRICE=TPRICE+PRICE 2 SITE=SITE+MOVE 2 PRICE=S/12 2 MONEY=S/12 2 DEAL2=DEAL1: 2 COMNTY CHEST 2 ;"PAY `50" 2 ;"GO BACK" 2 ;"AUTOMONOPOLI" 2 ,O;" is there another site? ";y$ 2 ));"'S SITE "; 2 "Saved Code" 2 "MONEY? "; 2 IF YOU PASS GO COLLECT `200", 2 "," "," 1 you are doing in 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx{{{{xxxxxx 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx{{{{xxxx 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxrpppppppppppprpppppppppppprppppprpppppppppppprpppppppppppprppppprpppppppppppprpppppppppppprppppprrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr<<<<<<<<<<<<r<<<<<<<<<<<<r<<<<<rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr222222222222r222222222222r22222rpppppppppppprpppppppppppprppppprrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxppppppppppppppppx 1 price=price/3 1 price=price+price/2 1 price;" for this!",: 1 has ";J$(A);" get out of jail card": 1 YOU HAVE A GET OUT FREE CARD."," 1 Y;p$(R);" "'" You must find `"; 1 Y;P$(ZX,10 1 Y;P$(ZX),,"Just a minute,I need to think",: 1 Y;"YOU HAVE TO GET OUT THIS TIME",: 1 Y;"Type in the number for the buyermaking the highest bid.", 1 Y;"I can remortgage a site now", 1 Y;"COMMUNITY"; 1 Y;" You have landed in jail. You must throw a double to get out " 1 Y;" AUCTION Press A ": 1 X$="0000000000" 1 X$(SN+Y)="H": 1 X$(SN+Y)="0": 1 X$(SN+Y)="0" 1 What do you think 1 WILL YOU TAKE A CHANCE? ";Y$ 1 V(ZX)=V(ZX)- 1 V(ZX)-MONEY1+MONEY<O 1 V(R)=V(R)-RENT 1 V(R)=V(R)-HO*40 1 V(R)=V(R)-HO*25 1 V(R)=V(R)-H*PRICE 1 V(R)=V(R)-COST: 1 V(R)=V(R)-200 1 V(R)=V(R)-20 1 V(R)=V(R)-150 1 V(R)=V(R)-10 1 V(R)=V(R)+COST: 1 V(R)=V(R)+25 1 V(R)=V(R)+20 1 V(R)=V(R)+150 1 V(R)=V(R)+ 1 V(R)<PRICE 1 V(R);" to pay your debts." 1 V(R)+U(R)<O 1 V(R)+U(R)+50 1 V(R)'" to pay your debts."'' 1 V(OWN)=V(OWN)- 1 V(OWN)=V(OWN)+U(R)+V(R) 1 V(OWN)=V(OWN)+RENT: 1 V(OWN)=V(OWN)+ 1 V(I)=V(I)-PRICE: 1 V(I)=V(I)+50 1 V(DEAL2)=V(DEAL2)- 1 V(DEAL2)=V(DEAL2)+MONEY: 1 V(DEAL1)=V(DEAL1)-MONEY+MONEY1 1 V(DEAL1)=V(DEAL1)-MONEY 1 V(DEAL1)=V(DEAL1)+MONEY-MONEY1 1 V(B)=V(B)- 1 V(A)=V(A)-10 1 U(ZX)=U(ZX)+ 1 U(R)=U(R)-COST 1 U(R)=U(R)- 1 U(R)=U(R)+H*PRICE/2 1 U(R)=U(R)+ 1 U(OWN)=U(OWN)+ 1 U(I)=U(I)+ 1 U(DEAL2)=U(DEAL2)+ 1 U(DEAL1)=U(DEAL1)- 1 U(B)=U(B)+ 1 THIS PROPERTY BELONGS TO 1 THIS IS NOT YOUR SITE", 1 THIS IS NOT MY SITE", 1 THE PROPERTY FILE. 1 SITE=SITE-40 1 SITE=SITE-3 1 SET=SET-Y: 1 S-Y)=P$(OWN): 1 S-Y)=P$(I): 1 S-Y)=P$(DEAL2) 1 S);"This leaves you with `";V(R), 1 S);" THIS COST YOU `";COST 1 S);" Mortgaged,gives you `";A$(8 1 RENT=RENT+(5 1 RENT=RENT*2 1 RENT=(D1+D2)*(10 1 PRICE>COST 1 PRICE=TPRICE+MONEY1 1 PRICE=COST 1 PRESS ENTER TO SHOW YOUR COUNTER" 1 PAY A `10 FINE OR TAKE A CHANCE " 1 PAUSE=9250 1 P$(A,Y)=" " 1 P$(A)="Spectrum": 1 O,O;"BIDDERS/CASH" 1 MOVE=SITE-Y: 1 MOVE=MOVE-40 1 MOVE=MOVE-3 1 MOVE=D1+D2 1 MONOPOLI m~ 1 MONOPOLI 1 MONEY1=S/12 1 LVAL=10000 1 K$(R)>SITE 1 K$(R)-SITE 1 J$="0000000000"( 1 J$(ZX)>"0" 1 J$(DEAL2)="!" 1 J$(DEAL1)="!" 1 IF YOU PASS GO YOU COLLECT `200 "; 1 GET YOUR CASSETTE READY, PLEASE.",,: 1 GET OUT OF JAIL CARD SOLD `50 " 1 FREE PARKING 1 END=END+(J$(A)="!"): 1 END=END+(J$(A)="!") 1 DOUBLE=DOUBLE+Y 1 DO YOU WANT TO USE IT? "; 1 DEAL3=DEAL2: 1 DEAL1=DEAL3 1 DEAL1=DEAL2: 1 DEAL1=DEAL2 1 COST=Y+V(A) 1 COST=TPRICE+MONEY 1 COST<PRICE 1 COMNTY CHEST" 1 CH=CH+Y-15 1 CC=CC+Y-15 1 C$(C,Y)=" " 1 AUTOMONO O 1 AND HOW MUCH MONEY WILL YOU GIVE" 1 AND HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU WANT? 1 A=V(R)-PRICE 1 >>>>>GO<<<<< 1 ;p;" Players.",, 1 ;P$(ZX);" _No. It is not a good enough deal for me.", 1 ;P$(ZX);" Yes alright, it's a deal.",, 1 ;P$(R);"'s TURN TO GO", 1 ;P$(R);" can start.", 1 ;DEAL2;")";P$(DEAL2,10 1 ;D1;" + ";D2 1 ;C$(D1,B); 1 ;A;")";C$(A);" ": 1 ;A$(Y,S-11 1 ;(P$(ZX,10 1 ;(P$(DEAL2,10 1 ;(P$(DEAL1,10 1 ;"`";U(A): 1 ;"]";A$(Y,B 1 ;"Tell me the highest bid `"; 1 ;"THE END" 1 ;"Price `";PRICE 1 ;"PAY `150 " 1 ;"J. H. Woodhead" 1 ;"HOW MANY PLAYERS"; 1 ;"GO TO "; 1 ;"GET OUT "; 1 ;"COLLECT "; 1 ;"BIRTHDAY" 1 ;"ADVANCE" 1 ;"???????" 1 ;"111111111111": 1 ;".",P$(I,10 1 ;" COLLECT"; 1 ;" SOLD "; 1 ,o;" All ";p$(R,10 1 ,Y;p$(R),,: 1 ,Y;"RENT `";RENT;" ": 1 ,Y;"RECEIVE "; 1 ,O;DEAL1;")";P$(DEAL1,10 1 ,O;A$(Y,S-11 1 ,O;"You will have to pay `";RENT: 1 ,O;"You have to pay `200 income tax." 1 ,O;"You have to pay `100 super tax." 1 ,O;"YOU HAVE THROWN A DOUBLE,","YOU GET ANOTHER GO",: 1 ,O;"YOU DONT HAVE `10": 1 ,O;"YOU ALREADY HAVE A HOTEL HERE",: 1 ,O;"This is the third time you have thrown a double.",: 1 ,O;"This is FOR SALE."; 1 ,O;"This is FOR SALE to the highest bidder. Press the number of the player making the highest offer or ""0"" if there are no bidders." 1 ,O;"Press your initial to throw dice" 1 ,O;"Press any key to continue.", 1 ,O;"PRESS ENTER FOR THE LIST OF SETS" 1 ,O;"No thank you,I don't want to bid": 1 ,O;"JUST VISITING JAIL.", 1 ,O;"It's a full set" 1 ,O;"INPUT THE HIGHEST BID", 1 ,O;"FREE PARKING.", 1 ,O;"EACH HOUSE COSTS `";PRICE;". 5=1 HOTEL": 1 ,O;"DO YOU WANT TO BUY THIS? ";: 1 ,O;"AND HOW MUCH MONEY WILL YOU GIVE" 1 ,O;"2 to 5 people can play MONOPOLI.If you want the computer to joinin, type in the name ZX and giveit a counter." 1 ,O;"1)";P$(Y,10 1 ,O;" We can continue now", 1 ,O;" Can't swap with a house there",: 1 ,O;" ";HO;" HOUSES"'" ";HT;" HOTELS"'"COST `";HO*40 1 ,O;" ";HO;" HOUSES"'" ";HT;" HOTELS"'"COST `";HO*25 1 ,O;" THIS IS NOT YOUR SITE!",: 1 ,O,,,,,,,,,, 1 ,A,"???CHANCE???",97 1 ,A,"???CHANCE???",445 1 ,A,"???CHANCE???",277 1 +P,O;"Press enter to start": 1 +A,O;P$(A, 1 +A,O;"WHAT IS YOUR NAME? " 1 +A,O;" ";P$(A,10 1 *SET;" X dice=";rent 1 )=P$(A,Y)+C$(C): 1 )="111111111111" 1 )=" ": 1 );"`";V(A) 1 );" has `";v(a);" in the bank" 1 );" SITE ";A$(Y,S-11 1 );" I will pay `"; 1 );" GOT THIS SITE FOR `";PRICE,: 1 );" HOUSES & HOTELS", 1 )," "'"NOW CHOOSE A COUNTER" 1 ));"What site number?"; 1 ));"SITE NUMBER "; 1 ));"'S SITE NUMBER "; 1 ));" Site number "; 1 (price-cost)+10 1 (V(A)<O);"`";V(A); 1 (PRICE*V(ZX)/(PRICE+100 1 's propertyby pressing ""A"", followed by thenumber of the site required.",, 1 '" Your total mortgage values are less than your debts. You must drop out of the game" 1 '" You must reload to play again." 1 '" THERE IS ONLY ONE PLAYER LEFT!" 1 ####JAIL#### 1 "`";V(R);" in the bank. Which site"; 1 "Your total mortgage values plus your money in the bank is less than your debts. You must drop out of the game.",, 1 "You will have to mortgage a siteor sell a site to another player" 1 "You have not enough money to buyit, you will have to offer it tosomeone else.": 1 "You already have ";HO, 1 "YOU ONLY HAVE `";V(R);" IN THE BANK": 1 "The other players can buy fromthe bank any of ";p$(r,10 1 "Saved Game" 1 "Rent ";A$(4 1 "MONEY `"; 1 "I would need about `"; 1 "I would loose one of my sets",: 1 "HOW MANY DO YOU WANT TO BUY?", 1 "DO YOU WANT TO PAY UP? "; 1 "AND WHO ELSE?", 1 ";P$(OWN,10 1 ")";P$(A,10 1 "'s property has been repossessed by the bank, and is up for auction."''' 1 " You must find `"; 1 " No more than 9 letters,please.",P$(A): 1 " FOR SALE.": 1 worth `50,Press """;a;""" to sell it." 1 program!!!!!!!!!! 1 my "AUTOMONOPOLI" 1 You pressed ""Z"". Do you want tosave the game on cassette ";Y$ 1 You have landed on GO!"," Collect `200 pounds", 1 YOUR INSURANCE PREMIUM", 1 YOU INHERIT "; 1 YOU HAVE WON SECOND PRIZE IN A BEAUTY CONTEST."; 1 YOU HAVE PASSED GO 1 YOU HAVE NOT GOT A FULL SET. ": 1 YOU ARE OUT OF JAIL", 1 Which site is to be mortgaged?" 1 WHO WANTS TO MAKE A DEAL?", 1 The program has now been saved.": 1 TO OLD KENT ROAD", 1 THREE SPACES "; 1 THIS CARD MAY BE KEPT OR SOLD "; 1 TAKE A TRIP TO MARYLEBONE St. 1 SUPER TAX 1 SCHOOL FEES "; 1 MAKE GENERAL REPAIRS ON HOUSES FOR EACH HOUSE PAY `25 FOR EACH HOTEL PAY `100" 1 If you want to get out of jail, you must pay `50", 1 INTEREST,7% PREFERENCE SHARES", 1 INCOME TAX REFUND "; 1 INCOME TAX 1 HOSPITAL "; 1 FROM SALE OF STOCK "; 1 DRUNK IN CHARGE "; 1 DOCTORS FEE. PAY `50", 1 Can't swap with a house there", 1 COLLECT `10 FROM EACH PLAYER", 1 BUT IT HAS BEEN MORTGAGED. " 1 BANK PAYS YOU A DIVIDEND", 1 BANK ERROR IN YOUR FAVOUR."; 1 AUTOMATA U.K. Ltd. 1983." 1 ANY MORE SITES " 1 ANNUITY MATURES "; 1 ADVANCE TO PALL MALL"," 1 ADVANCE TO MAYFAIR " 1 ADVANCE TO GO "; 1 YOU HAVE WON A CROSSWORD COMPETITION "; 1 YOU ARE ASSESSED FOR REPAIRS PAY `40 Per HOUSE `115 Per HOTEL" 1 THIS BELONGS TO THE BANK " 1 ADVANCE TO TRAFALGAR SQUARE 1 YOUR BUILDING LOAN MATURES "; 1 GO>>>> OLD KENT >>>>>>>>>>>>WHITECHAPEL INCOME KINGS CROSS THE ANGEL ???????????? EUSTON PENTONVILLE JAIL PALL MALL ELECTRIC WHITEHALL NORTHUMBER MARYLEBONE BOW STREET >>>>>>>>>>>> MARLBOROUGH VINE STREET STRAND ????????????FLEET STREET TRAFALGAR FENCHURCH St LEICESTER COVENTRY WATER PICCADILLY GO TO REGENT OXFORD >>>>>>>>>>>>BOND STREET LIVERPOOL St???????????? PARK LANE SUPER MAYFAIR ```````````` ROAD COMMUNITY ROAD TAX STATION ISLINGTON CHANCE ROAD ROAD | | | | | | COMPANY LAND AVENUE STATION COMMUNITY STREET CHANCE SQUARE STATION SQUARE STREET WORKS JAIL STREET STREET COMMUNITY STATION CHANCE TAX COLLECT FOR SALE CHEST FOR SALE